Dance Floor Rules & Etiquette
We are delighted about the growing number of Big Apple Ranch dancers. As the floor gets more crowded, it's even more important to remember a few rules of "floor craft" and dance etiquette.

Ask lots of people to dance, including those more experienced than you and those just learning!
Decide who's going to lead before you get on the dance floor, and once you get on the floor, get going quickly.
Leaders - look where you are going and be prepared for the unexpected. Leaders are responsible for protecting their partners. Remember it's always the leader's fault.
Dance in a counter-clockwise direction on the floor. Faster dancers on the outside of the circle, slower dancers towards the center of the room. Stationary (e.g. swing) or line dances should take place in the middle of the floor. If a song is a standard Big Apple Ranch line dance, line dancers have first dibs on the floor space, even if it goes into the dance floor space.
Do not loiter, stand or block traffic on the dance floor. If you are not dancing, no part of your body should be on or in the dance floor space.
Leave your drinks on tables, not on the floor or in your hand as you dance.