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Big Apple Ranch Frequently Asked Questions

What You Need to Know

We want your experience to be as enjoyable and easy as possible. To keep things clear, we’ve listed the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions in one single section. Have a look at the FAQs below and get in touch if something is still not clear.


How much is admission to the Ranch? 


Admission to the Ranch is $20 - cash only. 


Who dances at the Ranch?


We welcome everyone across the gender and sexual orientation spectrum. Anyone can lead and anyone can follow. ​


When are you open?


We are open the 2nd Saturday nights of each month. There is a two-step and line dance class at 8 PM. Open dancing starts at 9 PM. We close at 12:30 AM. 


What should I wear?


The most important feature of what you wear is the soles of your shoes. They should be leather, or smooth rubber that slides. Sticky sneakers are not the way to go. Cowboy boots are traditional; check at the front desk for information on boots made especially for dancing. Spurs can hurt your neighbor's ankles - better to leave them at home. Avoid slip-on or open-toed shoes. Otherwise, wear whatever you want, knowing you may work up a sweat over the evening. Don't forget your deodorant, and you may want to bring an extra shirt or two if you tend toward excessive perspiration.


What if I don't know how to dance? 


We offer a beginning two-step lesson at 8:00 PM and a line dance lesson at 8:30 PM at the start of every dance. Periodically we will offer intermediate workshops. 


Be patient with yourself; learning the basic step can take a while. As long as you need to, keep saying "quick-quick-slow-slow" to yourself. Your partners will understand if you can't chat during the dance. Dance as much as you can with as many different people as you can, and you will get it... you really will. Everyone you see on the dance floor had to learn it from the beginning. Don't be afraid to ask more experienced dancers to dance; you will learn a lot from dancing with them, and they will want you to learn and have a good time. 


To learn line dances, just keep at it. They range from easy to quite hard, so don't give up if you don't get them right away. Once you get the vocabulary of steps, they'll start coming easier. 


If there a coat check? 


There is coat rack available for your use. 


Can I bring my own drink in from outside? 


No. A variety of beverages are available for sale.

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