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All Things - Country Line Dance Step Sheet

This is just one of the many fun line dances we do each week at the Big Apple Ranch. Print it out to learn on your own or come on down to the Ranch every Saturday night for a lesson!

Choreographed by Jon Lee - Big Apple Ranch - New York City
Description: 128 count, 1 wall, advanced line dance
Music: "All Things (Just Keep Getting Better)" - Simone Denny - Queer Eye Soundtrack
Choreographed for the 2006 New York City Hoedown Opening Ceremonies Video


¼ turn to left, lean side to side
1,2 turn ¼ to left, step R to side while looking over right shoulder ( look to 12:00)
and point to (12:00) 1,2
3,4 shift weight to L, look forward (9:00) drop arm 3,4
5,6 shift weight to R, while looking over right shoulder ( look to 12:00) and point to (12:00) 5,6
7,8 shift weight to L, look forward (9:00), drop arm 7,8
(Counts 1 - 8 are a fluid motion, not a step, hold, step hold situation)

¼ turn left, step cross, ¼ turn left, step cross 2x, ¼ turn left step R side, weight to L
1 turn ¼ to left (6:00) step R to side 9
2 L cross over R 10
3 turn ¼ to left (3:00) step R to side (large step) 11
4 L cross over R (large step) 12
5 R step side (large step) 13
6 L cross over R (large step) 14
7 turn ¼ to left (12:00) step R to side 15
8 shift weight to L 16

cross & cross to left, rock step, cross & cross to right, rock step
1 R cross over L 17
& L step to side &
2 R cross over L 18
3 L rock to side 19
4 R rock to side 20
5 L cross over R 21
& R step to side &
6 L cross over R 22
7 R rock to side 23
8 L rock to side 24

Turn ½ to right, turn ½ to right, back, back, runway strut forward
1 turning ½ to right (on L) step right forward (6:00) 25
2 turning ½ to right (on R) step left back (facing 12:00) 26
3 R step back 27
4 L step back 28
5 - 8 starting R, 4 steps forward. Runway model strut, lots of shoulders 29-32

Part B

Right shuffle, rock, step, left shuffle, rock, step
1 R step to side 33
& L step together &
2 R step to side 34
3 L step behind 35
4 replace weight onto R in place 36
5 L step to side 37
& R step together &
6 L step to side 38
7 R step behind 39
8 replace weight onto L in place 40
* hand motions: bring arms up to chest, palms facing each other, elbows at sides on the shuffle (1,&,2). Swing outside arm out parallel to floor, palm down on the rock step, inside arm crosses chest. (3, 4) Repeat for 5 - 8 in opposite direction with opposite arms.

Step touch, step touch to right, step touch, step touch to left, ½ pivot to left, step, leap
1 R step forward on 45 degree diagonal to right 41
& L step together &
2 R step forward on 45 degree diagonal to right 42
& L touch together &
3 L step forward on 45 degree diagonal to left 43
& R step together &
4 L step forward on 45 degree diagonal to left 44
& R touch together &
*push palms to ceiling above heat on 1,2,3,4 (raise the roof)
5 R step forward, drop center of gravity 45
6 pivot ½ to left, step L (6:00) 46
7 R step forward 47
8 push off of R onto a forward L step (leap onto L) 48

Heel, hold, toe, hold, heel, toe, step, pivot ½ to left with hitch
1 R heel touch forward 49
2 hold 50
3 R toe touch back 51
4 hold 52
5 R heel touch forward 53
6 R toe touch back 54
7 R step forward 55
8 pivot ½ to left on R (12:00) hitch, L across R shin 56

Step ,½ pivot right, step, ½ pivot right, step, touch, &, touch, &, touch
1 L step forward 57
2 ½ pivot on L, hitch R parallel to floor (6:00) 58
3 R step back 59
4 ½ pivot on R, hitch L parallel to floor (12:00) 60
5 L step forward 61
6 R touch to side 62
& replace L with R &
7 L touch to side 63
& replace R with L &
8 R touch to side 64

Part C

Cross, point, cross, point, repeat
1 R cross over L. 65
2 L point to side, right arm straight up, left arm out to side 66
3 L cross over R 67
4 R point out to side, only right arm out to side 68
5 - 8 Repeat 1 - 4 69-72

½ pivot, ½ pivot, right & left heel strut, heel, toe
1 R step forward 73
2 ½ pivot to left, step L (6:00) 74
3 R large step forward 75
4 ½ pivot on right, bring left together step left, (12:00) 76
5 R heel forward 77
& replace L with R &
6 L heel forward 78
& replace R with L &
7 R heel forward 79
& replace L with R &
8 L toe touch back 80

¼ pivot to left, heel, together, heel, hold, step, touch, and out
& replace R with L &
1 R step forward 81
2 ¼ pivot to left, step L (9:00) 82
3 R heel forward 83
& R together &
4 L heel forward (turn head to 12:00) 84
5 hold 85
6 Step onto L, (bring head back to 9:00) 86
7 R touch behind L 87
& R step back and out &
8 L step back and out 88

Swivel, swivel ¼ turn, kick, ball, cross, slow turn, point, replace,step
1 swivel feet to left 89
2 swivel feet to right, turn ¼ to left (6:00) 90
3 R kick forward 91
& R step together &
4 L cross & touch over R 92
5,6 slow ½ turn on both feet to right (12:00) 93-94
7 R point to side, right arm extended out to right 95
& R replaces L &
8 L steps to side, right arm extends straight up 96

Part D

Lean, pivot, step, rock back
1,2 turn ¼ to left (9:00) step R to side lean toward 12:00 and point to 12:00 97,98
3,4 turn ¼ to left (6:00) step L forward 99,100
5,6 R step forward 101,102
7,8 rock back on L, look back over shoulder toward (12:00) 103,104

Forward, forward, ½ pivot to left
1,2 R step forward 105,106
3,4 L step forward 107,108
5,6 R step forward 109,110
7,8 pivot ½ to left, step left (12:00) 111,112

Roll hips to right, step R to side, roll hips to left, step L to side
1-4 Roll hips to right as you step R to side, extend right arm out to side, palm out 113-116
5-8 Roll hips to left as you step L to side, extend left arm out to side, palm out 117-120

Arms out, out, in , in, right arm side, side, reach up, drop to floor
1 right arm crosses chest 121
2 left arm crosses chest over right arm 122
3 left arm opens back up, in bent elbow position to left side 123
4 right arm opens back up, in bent elbow position to right side 124
5 right arm extends to right side pointing out to side (left arm relaxes at side) 125
6 right arm extends to left side pointing out to side 126
7 right arm extends straight up 127
8 whole body drops to floor in squat position, right hand touches floor 128

Pattern: A, B, C, A, B, C, D, B, C, C This pattern only fits this song. If you can find another song that works, I would drop part D and do the pattern in order A, B, C, A, B, C, etc.

R = right foot, L = left foot.

***note*** this dance really travels forward if you don't take all the opportunities to move backwards. Use counts 11-14, 25-28, 75-76, 97-102, 105-110 for backward movement. Then always keep the forward motion small. Forward motions are all about attitude and not about traveling.

Notation 2006 Jon Lee

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